The Covid-19 pandemic has been an unprecedented event in our world. From March to June, we had been holding Sunday services ONLINE only, but now we have opened back up with our normal 10:00am service. You can also continue to watch us online via LIVESTREAM.
You can continue to support and fuel our ministry by giving online by clicking here or through our church app. Thank you for your generosity and continued support as we meet the needs of our tribe, our community, and the missions outreaches we support around the world.
We pray for God’s provision, leading, and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit during this situation. We pray for the health and safety of our church, our cities, our neighbors, our healthcare workers, and our world. And we continue to pray for Spirit-led courage and creativity as we ask God to use us to serve and love people well.
We of Generations are here to serve our community, not hide from it. This is another chance for us to go beyond coming to church and to become the church -- to be the reflection of Jesus to others!