April 1 begins our 20-day Call to Fast which will
continue until April 21 (Easter Sunday).
Fasting is a powerful way to align our thoughts and motives with God's Spirit and to experience breakthrough where freedom is desperately needed. Pastors Scott and Melissa have invited all of Generations to participate as a community in this special season of seeking God's direction and transformation for our church and our community. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal what He would have you fast, whether it's food, entertainment, technology, or something else He brings to mind.
To see God move in radical ways, be willing to use radical faith!
"A Prayer for Generations"
Father God, we pray for revival as You continue to shape us into the image of Your Son, Jesus:
Revive in us a commitment to love one another as Jesus does, so that no one among us walks alone. May our eyes be open to those who are hurting and in need of our touch.
Revive in us a humility to walk in the unity that You said the world would take note of. May we desire to help others become more like Jesus, rather than more like ourselves.
Revive in us a passion to share the good news of Christ with others, so we may all live as disciples and disciple makers. Use us to make your name famous, because the time is short and people so desperately need a savior.